Released on June 3, 2011: Every movie ever made starts somewhere in the middle of a story and we don't get to know all of the background and have to form our own opinions. I was perfectly content watching the original X-Men and not being privy to what made the characters tick. How silly of me. Knowing how Charles Xavier and Magneto became the people who they are as we known them today made the entire series so much richer.
This was an absolutely incredible prequel. It starts exactly the same way X-Men started and then takes us on an elaborate trip through history... both US History and Mutant History. The way the two were woven together was X-Cellent ;)
I don't have enough good things to say about this movie. It was absolutely perfect and I cannot wait to see it again.
I completely adored this movie! One of my favorites of the year! Plus it has McAvoy. Any movie with McAvoy usually gets a A++ rating in my book! ;)